Warsaw and Vienna

Directional signs pointing to international cities are one of my favorite things, especially as the list of the cities that I’ve been to keep growing.

Warsaw was a surprise stop, chosen mainly for its convenient proximity between Vilnius and Vienna. However, it turned out to be one of my favorite cities. Let’s be honest, for most people without any familiarity with Poland, when you think of Poland, you don’t think of picturesque, airy, colorful cities. Warsaw was stunning. I can’t speak for much more than the old city, as that’s where I spent most of my time, but the buildings (all reconstructions of the originals, Warsaw having been completely decimated in WWII) are beautiful and the whole atmosphere is relaxing and delightful.

The sense of humor is quirky:


Oh, and did I say it was beautiful?


Of course, the whole place is oozing with history as well, and, bizarrely, for the second time on this trip, the little bit of Czech I remember from living in Liberec came in handy. Who knew that knowing a few words and phrases of such a little-spoken language would benefit me in both Russia and Poland?

After two nights in Warsaw, I took the train to my final destination, Vienna. I don’t have much to say here (for more, check out my original blog, imaginevienna.wordpress.com), but it is always so comforting to be back in my favorite city. And hey, the street lights changed!

If you can’t tell, those are little gay, lesbian, and heterosexual couples crossing the street with little hearts above their heads. Vienna, you’re perfect.


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