Back to Europe: Spain Edition

It’s frustrating that as humans we can’t just consistently want or feel something for an extended period of time (or dare I say, for our whole life?). I mean, I know that’s the beauty of life, that we can change our minds and grow as people, but sometimes I wish my desires could remain consistent!

About two years ago, I spent six months in Ireland, traveled to Russia and down through the Baltics and Poland to Austria, then flew to Taiwan, where I stayed for a year. After that (not to mention the years in Taiwan and the Czech Republic before that), I was tired. I was exhausted by the frequency at which I uprooted my life and the fact that I could never invest in kitchen supplies. So, I decided to indefinitely move back to the States.

I spent a year entirely out of my comfort zone (in the best possible way) working at a tech startup, and it was a truly remarkable year for me. Now I know how apps are made (and lots of other tech information), and I’ve worked with MoMA, Amazon, and the White House Historical Association, among countless other museums and nonprofit organizations throughout the world.

But, I’ve been getting antsy and ready to hit the road again. This time, I don’t want to commit to one place for a year or more (like I did as an ESL teacher); I’m ready to bounce around every few months or so (just wait, I’ll probably be back here in 6 months telling you all how I’m so exhausted by the constant moving… hence my opening line about wishing feelings were more consistent!).

So, at the end of August, I’ll be temporarily relocating to Colorado to see my family, then heading to Indiana in the beginning of October for more family events. After that, I’m moving to Mallorca, Spain to work as an au pair for a delightful family for about two months (with the option for longer, if it all works out***)!

***This is a new development, as of 5 minutes ago. The original arrangement was only until mid-December, but they just called to say that they’d love to have me through the whole school year, if it works out. My plans for after December were sketchy at best, but this news has thrown them into a new whirlwind (I’d love to have the potential to stay longer, but it’s the eternal problem of visas).

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Mallorca is a Spanish island in the Mediterranean known for its beaches, Roman and Moorish ruins, and limestone mountains (I’m getting most of this from Wikipedia). The family I’ll be living with described it as, “Dare we say, the best place to live on Earth.” Catalan is the main language, through all the residents also speak Spanish.

Here are a few images of the town, Manacor, that I took from what seems like the main tourism site,





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