Day trip: Sineu

One of the benefits of au pairing for school-age kids is that I don’t work until they get out of school, which means that if I can get my butt in gear in the morning, I have plenty of time to explore Mallorca! One of the first places I visited on my host family’s recommendation was Sineu. It’s a nearby town perched on a hill, and holds one of the most traditional weekly markets on the island.

Sineu map
It’s about half an hour away from Manacor by train


I felt like I was back in Greece or Turkey as I wandered among the sand-colored buildings looking at vegetables, meats, jewelry, rugs, artisan crafts, and so much more. Anything you want, you can find in a Mallorcan market! Even underwear and livestock.

The best part was when I spied the trdelník stand on the steps of the church! Trdelník is one of my favorite Christmas treats from the Czech Republic, and this vendor from Hungary had introduced Sineu to the festive pastry. It’s a long strip of dough that’s wrapped around a cylinder and baked over a fire, then rolled in cinnamon and sugar (or coconut or nuts, but trust me, cinnamon and sugar is the way to go). You eat it by unwinding the warm, sugary, baked goodness! I love a good dessert with a specific method of consumption.


“No eggs,” he told me, as he slid it into a bag and handed it over. “That means you don’t have to eat it all today, it will last for a few days.”

…So, there went my excuse to eat it all right away. Luckily I didn’t need an excuse!


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