Solo female travel: Tips from the podcast

Women hitting the road alone! At Going Out Your Door, solo travel is the ultimate freedom. You can do whatever you want when you want to, the trip itinerary is up to you (and you can chuck it out the window if you want!), and you don’t have to take anyone else’s preferences into consideration.

Admittedly, it can be such a daunting idea the first time around. You mean I have to do all the planning and booking myself? Will I be safe? I won’t have anyone to talk to on long train rides (not true!) and I’ll have to eat meals by myself? Also not necessarily true, but you might just realize it can be great!

If you haven’t yet, check out the new podcast episode all about solo female travel to hear the full low-down on the tips, as well as solo travel stories and anecdotes from all over the world! Below are the bullet points of the full recommendations we cover in the episode.

Before your trip:

  • Research and choose your destination to make sure it’s generally solo female travel safe (and only you have the final say on what you’re comfortable with!)
  • Avoid over packing (you’re the only one carrying your bags!)
  • Research local customs surrounding clothing and what women typically wear
  • Register with the U.S. State Department STEP program
  • Make a plan to check in with someone at home on a regular basis
  • Choose a flight that arrives during the day, not in the middle of the night
  • Plan how you’re going to get from the airport to your accommodation
  • Choose your accommodation carefully (maybe don’t CouchSurf when you’re traveling alone, and choose Airbnbs and hostels with good reviews and safety ratings)
  • Book at least the first night of your accommodation
  • Have local currency ahead of time, if possible
  • Tell your bank you’re traveling so your debit cards don’t get locked

On the ground:

  • Save your reservation info offline in case you can’t access wifi or data when you arrive
  • Also have it written in the local language for taxis
  • Don’t share your accommodation info with people
  • Ask hostel or hotel staff for advice about the city (are there areas you should avoid?)
  • Tell people that you’re here visiting a friend and that you’re on your way to meet them
  • But also don’t be afraid to make friends on the road! You can connect with fellow travelers and locals alike, just be smart and safe about it
  • Avoid wearing flashy or expensive jewelry
  • Walk confidently
  • Familiarize yourself with local scams
  • Join free walking tours
  • If you’re out after dark, stay near families
  • Bring a book for down times and meal times

Here’s what other travelers had to say about traveling solo as a woman… (as you can see, there were common themes!)

Why is the best thing about traveling by yourself?

  • I meet so many others that maybe I wouldn’t if I had gone with a friend
  • Open to meet other people: locals, other travelers
  • Being alone means you’re more open to meeting new people from around the world
  • Doing what you want when you want
  • Not having to check with anyone else about scheduling
  • Freedom to do anything and be spontaneous
  • I can plan what I want and don’t have to ask others if they’re ok with it
  • The itinerary is up to you. You don’t need to compromise with anyone about where to go and what to do
  • Totally can clear my mind, find myself and not other roles in life
  • Who I become when it’s just me alone and what a courageous bad b**** I am

What precautions do you take/do you have any advice?

  • In hostels stay in female dorms
  • Go to solo female travel friendly countries
  • Ask hostel staff which areas of the city to avoid
  • Stay inside after 9-10ish, or stay within a few blocks of the hotel
  • Extra night safety awareness, especially depending on language abilities and how much I stand out
  • Know law enforcement and emergency numbers ahead of time 
  • Always let family know where I am
  • Do your research before you go. On the fly can be fun, but with some planning you can find great hidden gems that you would only know about from blogs, etc

Best countries for solo female travel according to several different sources.

Listen to the episode for the full discussion on these lists and what criteria were used!

The Blonde Abroad:

  • Iceland
  • Switzerland
  • New Zealand
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • French Polynesia
  • Ireland
  • Namibia
  • Amsterdam/The Netherlands


  • London, United Kingdom
  • New York City
  • Paris, France
  • Singapore
  • Rome, Italy
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Los Angeles
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Gianyar, Indonesia
  • Bangkok, Thailand

Travel and Leisure:

  • Iceland
  • Barcelona
  • Seattle
  • Munich Germany
  • Dubrovnik, Croatia
  • Austin, USA
  • Salzburg, Austria
  • Taipei, Taiwan
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Melbourne, Australia
  • Stockholm, Sweden
  • Okinawa, Japan

  • Finland
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • Uruguay
  • Switzerland
  • Belgium
  • Austria
  • Iceland
  • Japan
  • Chile

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