Food, glorious food! Tips from the podcast

This week, let’s go on a gastronomic, foodie world tour! Check out the episode to hear about some meals from around the world that really stand out, as well as the top tips for getting the most out of your culinary travels.

And just a heads up that we’re not necessarily speaking about people with dietary restrictions–that fully deserves its own episode in the future. These tips are for those who technically can eat anything but just might be a little hesitant or unsure how to find the most delicious delicacies wherever they go. Read on to expand your palate!

  • Be adventurous! Don’t be afraid to order something without knowing what it is.

  • Let the proprietor choose for you–they know their food better than you. They also might take up the challenge and create something off menu and even more delicious.
Pork sandwich in Spain
  • When in language doubt, point (or politely gesture, which is probably more respectful)

  • Head to the little stands, stalls, and hole-in-the-wall locations

  • Try to get off the main tourist streets. Those restaurants are often far more expensive and all serve mostly the same, usually generic takes on their country’s famous dishes (think paella in Spain, ramen in Japan, or fish and chips in the UK–all amazing dishes that are well worth sampling, but you may not get the best versions of them in the big tourist districts)

  • Take a cooking class. You’ll have fun and likely get a much deeper appreciation and understanding of the traditional food in your location.
Learning to make gua bao

Leave a comment here or send an email to with your favorite foods from around the world! Find food pictures from the episode (and so much more!) @goingoutyourdoor on Instagram and Facebook.

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