Home for the holidays (how to explore your hometown like you’re traveling): Tips from the Podcast

‘Tis the season when we return home (stereotypically, at least!). Whether you’re home for the holidays in the classic sense, sticking closer to the nest because of the pandemic, or simply prefer to live in familiar stomping grounds, we travelers know that being in very familiar surroundings can be boring or even uncomfortable, especially when we’d rather be off traipsing around the world.

Never fear–here are my top tips for capturing that travel high even when you’re in your own neighborhood. For more details and stories, check out this week’s episode, and for the handy list you know and love, read on.

  • See the things that only tourists/visitors see. It’s a classic scenario–you live in NYC and have never seen the Statue of Liberty, or your best friend is from Maine but has never been to Bar Harbor. Some of these things are touristy for a reason and some are legitimately worth a visit (or several!), but even if they’re tourist traps, hey, the whole point is to feel like a traveler again!
  • Take a tour. If you live in a city with organized tours (the best are free walking tours!), hit one up. You’ll more than likely learn something new and you’ll get to experience a familiar place through new eyes.
  • Search your city online to see what the online guides and travel bloggers recommend. Hey, you’d follow their advice on the other side of the world, why not in your hometown?
  • Ask your friends where they take visiting friends and relatives. Better yet, grab a group of friends and take turns treating each other like the visitor and going somewhere new!
  • Try a new restaurant, order something new wherever you’re a regular, or pick up something unfamiliar in your grocery store–think a funny squash you’ve never prepared before or a spice you can’t pronounce.
  • Go on a staycation. Check out Air BnB, find someplace cute, and treat yourself to a short getaway so you get that vacay vibe.
  • Go to local events. Think festivals, concerts, dances, art shows, pop ups, etc (COVID friendly, of course!). Check local social media pages, the good ‘ole newspaper, and (my personal favorite) posters and fliers on bulletin boards.
  • Take a different kind of transport. If you normally take the bus, ride a bike. If you’re a driver, go for a walk!
  • Go on a day trip. OK, this is technically out of your hometown, but it’s still a way to see the area like a traveler and maybe see something entirely new. Plus, you’ll get that “hit the road” buzz!
  • Explore outside. Does your part of the world boast any outdoor recreation you’ve never tried? Even a new hike will get your endorphins flowing and give you that new experience excitement!
  • Switch up your timing. If you’re an early bird, see what the nightlife is like. If you’re a night owl, wake up early and see what you’re missing!

What’s your favorite way to see a familiar place with fresh eyes? Let me know at goingoutyourdoortravel@gmail.com or send me a message on Instagram or Facebook @goingoutyourdoor!

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