Let’s go to Ireland: Tips from the podcast

Yes, please. Let’s go to Ireland!

6 years ago I spent about 5 months living in Dublin, and Ireland is one of the countries that I most want to go back to. Check out this week’s episode for my attempt to squeeze an entire country into less than an hour without gushing too much about each and every recommendation (it was a futile attempt).

In the episode, we cover:

  • Things to see and do in Dublin
  • Other places that are more than worth a visit, including Cork, Galway, the Aran Islands, and Northern Ireland (which is part of the UK)
  • What to expect from Irish food
  • Guinness (and some other drinks you may encounter)
  • Irish slang. You’ve got to be prepared for the craic!
  • Cost of travel in Ireland
  • Why it’s a great destination for first-time travelers and veterans alike
  • A few other, important tips!
Unbelievably, this is a real picture that I took!

For more on living and traveling in Ireland, check out my posts from when I lived there. I wrote about all kinds of experiences, including:

Have you visited Ireland? Would you love to go? Drop a comment with any questions or your own stories, or send a message to goingoutyourdoortravel@gmail.com. Follow on IG and Facebook @goingoutyourdoor!

As always during this time, check current COVID restrictions before planning any trips and travel safely if you choose to do so.

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