A return to travel in 2022 (COVID update): Tips from the podcast

Mid-pandemic check in–how are we all feeling? I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of feelings to process from the last two years, and while travel having been largely halted since 2020 is certainly a privileged issue to have, it has had an effect on my mental and emotional health and how I’ve been living my life.

In this week’s episode, I get honest about how my relationship with travel has changed over the past few years and the fears, anxiety, and loss of habit (and admittedly confidence) that has held me back from hitting the road recently.

But looking ahead with optimism, both personally and for the state of the world, we round out the episode by exploring how travel and COVID may be able to co-exist in 2022 and some advice for how to change your travel routine to stay safe and keep it all streamlined 😎 ✈️

The articles referenced in the episode:

Here is a handy checklist of travel habits to incorporate in 2022

(listen to the episode for the full explanations!)

  • Choose your destination with care
  • Download your airline’s app. It’ll help you out in many ways, but specifically it may allow you to pre-register COVID related travel documents and avoid lines at the airport
  • Get to the airport early (especially if you can’t preload your COVID and travel documents). More regulations mean more paperwork which means more time
  • Consider travel insurance that covers COVID-related cancellations
  • Bring your own meals and snacks to the airport. Masks, social distancing, supply chain issues, staffing shortages–need I say more?
  • Prepare a contingency plan for if you contract COVID while traveling
  • If you’re traveling with another person or a group, make sure you are on the same page regarding things like masking, dining, crowded activities, etc.
  • Have a plan for post-trip. Will you quarantine? Limit social contact for a few days? Take one (or several) COVID tests? All good ideas!

For all of my thoughts (and fears, and hopes, and more!) surrounding returning to travel, make sure you check out the episode, and definitely leave a comment here or send a message to goingoutyourdoortravel@gmail.com to let me know where you stand on all of this! Were you traveling in 2021? Did your travel process change? Have you been nervous to get back into it? Let me know!

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