Things I wish I’d known before I moved abroad, Part 2: Tips from the Podcast

We’re back with part 2! In no particular order, I present the next 10 things that I wish I’d known before I moved abroad (and there are more to come)! To say you learn a lot when you travel or move somewhere else is an understatement, but hopefully these will give you a leg up.

This is not me, but I wish it was

(Click here if you missed part 1!)

Of course, each one of these has a full story behind it, in addition to more info, so make sure you check out the episode! But if you’re like me, you love a handy list.

  1. Visas are serious, don’t mess with them! In the episode I describe how little baby travel Marjorie didn’t know this the first time she lived abroad in Vienna 😬
  2. There will be good days and bad days. This is the case no matter where you are in life or the world, but when you’ve just left everything that is familiar, the bad can take on a whole new meaning
  3. Making friends is hard. Dating is hard. Again, true in life, but with an added complexity in other countries or on the road
  4. Your conception of foreign currency can change depending on the situation. Even if you can convert it in your head, sometimes it feels like Monopoly money 💰
  5. Racism exists everywhere, but it’s also different everywhere
  6. Being a native English speaker is a lucky accident of birth. Take advantage of it, but don’t take it for granted
  7. You could get an ego boost out of people’s reaction to your life and what you’re doing. Don’t let it go to your head
  8. Bring your medical records with you when you move abroad. You never know when you might need them ⚕️
  9. There are often huge upfront costs, and you may feel like you’re bleeding money for awhile. Plane ticket, housing when you first arrive, deposit on apartment, furnishing the apartment (even if it’s furnished, you’re going to want to buy your own sheets and towels), visa fees, etc 💸
  10. Finding housing can be a challenge (and rent prices vary wildly all over the world) 🏠

Did any of these surprise you? Want to know more? Drop a comment below or send any questions (or stories of your own!) to and follow @GoingOutYourDoor on Instagram and Facebook for more travel tidbits.

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