The cheapest places to travel in 2022: Tips from the podcast

No shade to any place for calling them cheap (it just rolls of the tongue so much more nicely than "inexpensive"), because here at Going Out Your Door we're ALL about budget travel! As we know, the wide world of travel possibilites has really been thrown for a loop in the past two years what …

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All about airports: Tips from the podcast

Airports! At once so common and yet, if you're unfamiliar with them, crazy rabbit-warrens of shoe-removal, weird lingo, waiting in lines (and waiting in general), and some of the most expensive snacks you'll ever shell out for (because there's nothing else to do, unless you're in Singapore!). This week, we give you the run down …

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Where is home for a traveler? Tips from the podcast

My current location and one of my homes Home: a short and deceptively simple word. But when you dig into it, what does it really mean, especially for those of us who travel frequently and never stay in one place very long? Or, as I've taken to calling it, those of us who bop around …

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The working holiday visa: Tips from the podcast

Living abroad and making bank? Yes, please! We've already talked on the pod about a few ways to make money in other countries, including teaching ESL. But this week we're tackling one of the most popular so that you can be all ready to go post-pandemic! In this episode, I sit down with my friend …

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9 Travel myths busted: Tips from the podcast

You hear these tropes all the time: travel is expensive, it's not safe for women to travel alone, book your plane ticket on a Tuesday for the best deal, and so many more. But guess what? They're not true! In this week's episode, we're tackling 9 of the most common travel myths and why they …

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Travel apps that will make your life easier: Tips from the podcast

If you asked me what app I can't do without when I'm traveling, it would be a tight race between Google Maps and Google Translate. But beyond the obvious, what other apps exist to revolutionize your travel experience? I admit, I'm a bit of a low-tech traveler, but after searching around for the coolest travel …

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Celebrate good times abroad: Tips from the podcast

Parties, days of work and school, good food, and maybe a dance or a race or two--one thing is universal, we all love to celebrate! When you're traveling or living in another country, you may get a chance to experience local holidays firsthand. To hear about a few unusual ones that I've experienced (everything from …

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Home for the holidays (how to explore your hometown like you’re traveling): Tips from the Podcast

'Tis the season when we return home (stereotypically, at least!). Whether you're home for the holidays in the classic sense, sticking closer to the nest because of the pandemic, or simply prefer to live in familiar stomping grounds, we travelers know that being in very familiar surroundings can be boring or even uncomfortable, especially when …

Continue reading Home for the holidays (how to explore your hometown like you’re traveling): Tips from the Podcast