Where are people the friendliest? Tips from the podcast

A sneak preview of #1 OK, OK, this is just for fun! People are kind and welcoming all over the world--I've experienced it firsthand. But this week on the podcast, I thought it would be fun to take a look at what the "research" says about where people are the friendliest, happiest, and most welcoming. …

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All about airports: Tips from the podcast

Airports! At once so common and yet, if you're unfamiliar with them, crazy rabbit-warrens of shoe-removal, weird lingo, waiting in lines (and waiting in general), and some of the most expensive snacks you'll ever shell out for (because there's nothing else to do, unless you're in Singapore!). This week, we give you the run down …

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The working holiday visa: Tips from the podcast

Living abroad and making bank? Yes, please! We've already talked on the pod about a few ways to make money in other countries, including teaching ESL. But this week we're tackling one of the most popular so that you can be all ready to go post-pandemic! In this episode, I sit down with my friend …

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Celebrate good times abroad: Tips from the podcast

Parties, days of work and school, good food, and maybe a dance or a race or two--one thing is universal, we all love to celebrate! When you're traveling or living in another country, you may get a chance to experience local holidays firsthand. To hear about a few unusual ones that I've experienced (everything from …

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A brief look at the Schengen Area: Tips from the podcast

What a word, Schengen! In addition to being a village in Luxembourg, what most people probably know Schengen from is the agreement that most countries in Euroep are part of, creating together the Schengen Area. It might sound dry on the surface, but the agreement created an area that was the first of its kind …

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The nightmare of jet lag: Tips from the podcast

Picture this: you're so excited about your trip, you endure the long flight, arrive in the new city, and suddenly... you can't sleep at night, you're upset, you have a stomach ache, and you're exhausted without a midday nap. Hello, jet lag! In this week's episode, we dive into what it is and how to …

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Why you should work as an au pair: Tips from the podcast

Why should you work as an au pair? It's one of the easiest ways to live semi-long term in another country! If you haven't yet, first make sure you check out the episode for the full run down on what the experience is like. Au pairs are very similar to nannies, but an au pair …

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Free walking tours: Tips from the podcast

The free walking tour I joined in Dublin, Ireland What are free walking tours? If you've never heard of free walking tours, make sure you listen to this week's episode for the full rundown! Essentially, they are guided tours on foot usually around a city center or a specific section or theme of the city …

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