The cheapest places to travel in 2022: Tips from the podcast

No shade to any place for calling them cheap (it just rolls of the tongue so much more nicely than "inexpensive"), because here at Going Out Your Door we're ALL about budget travel! As we know, the wide world of travel possibilites has really been thrown for a loop in the past two years what …

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9 Travel myths busted: Tips from the podcast

You hear these tropes all the time: travel is expensive, it's not safe for women to travel alone, book your plane ticket on a Tuesday for the best deal, and so many more. But guess what? They're not true! In this week's episode, we're tackling 9 of the most common travel myths and why they …

Continue reading 9 Travel myths busted: Tips from the podcast

Let’s go to Singapore! Tips from the podcast

Singapore was the last trip that I took before COVID shut down the world, so this fantastic city/country is launching our new series on specific travel destinations! In the episode, we dig into all of the must-dos, must-sees, and must-eats of this fantastic, multi-cultural city that should be on any traveler's list. Check out the …

Continue reading Let’s go to Singapore! Tips from the podcast