Underrated countries to visit: Tips from the podcast

Looking to get off the beaten path and avoid the hoards of other travelers associated with Paris, Tokyo, and NYC? Listen to this week's episode to learn about some under-the-radar locations around the world that you might want to put on your bucket list! If you're looking for the articles mentioned in the episode, look …

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Where are people the friendliest? Tips from the podcast

A sneak preview of #1 OK, OK, this is just for fun! People are kind and welcoming all over the world--I've experienced it firsthand. But this week on the podcast, I thought it would be fun to take a look at what the "research" says about where people are the friendliest, happiest, and most welcoming. …

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Backpacker packing hacks: Tips from the podcast

Packing for a trip is one of my favorite things to do... until it gets to the end and I have three more carry-on bags than anticipated or I can't squeeze my backpack into the overhead compartment 😬 Luckily, I've picked up a few tricks after 10 years of traveling the world, and I scouted …

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How the STEP program can keep you safe: Tips from the podcast

Yes, I know, STEP stands for Safe Straveler Enrollment Program, so saying STEP program is redundant. But just saying STEP sounds weird, OK? Check out the episode for the full rundown of what the STEP program is and all the different ways it can help you when you're in a tight spot in another country. …

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Where is home for a traveler? Tips from the podcast

My current location and one of my homes Home: a short and deceptively simple word. But when you dig into it, what does it really mean, especially for those of us who travel frequently and never stay in one place very long? Or, as I've taken to calling it, those of us who bop around …

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9 Travel myths busted: Tips from the podcast

You hear these tropes all the time: travel is expensive, it's not safe for women to travel alone, book your plane ticket on a Tuesday for the best deal, and so many more. But guess what? They're not true! In this week's episode, we're tackling 9 of the most common travel myths and why they …

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A brief look at the Schengen Area: Tips from the podcast

What a word, Schengen! In addition to being a village in Luxembourg, what most people probably know Schengen from is the agreement that most countries in Euroep are part of, creating together the Schengen Area. It might sound dry on the surface, but the agreement created an area that was the first of its kind …

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Do you have a passport? Tips from the podcast

Passports! They key to all international travel. Even if you don't have a trip currently planned, I always recommend keeping your passport handy and valid, especially since they take so long to renew! You never know when you may get the urge to hop on a plane or your best friend suggests a spur of …

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Exercise around the world: Tips from the podcast

AKA we need to keep moving to burn off the chocolate croissants, bubble tea, paella, and fish and chips! Just kidding 😆 But, there's no denying that for most of us, some kind of physical activity is always a good thing: endorphins for the brain and physical health for the body, and that's doubly true …

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